
make money

Making money the real Journey

Hi guy my name is Kien my story is similar to your story, ever wonder why your bills are piling up and there no end to the financial mess?? can we really make a single dime on the internet or is it bogus central, With the so-called Dan Lok enterprise and Tony Robbin phenomena, Every person on the planet charges 3k for personal courses. How do we know what real and what not, are we all being taken for a ride?? for years I have been that victim, I currently working the typical 9 to 5 job, the hidden lies that our parents raised us go to school, get good marks, go to college and get a diploma and get a good job the typical Human dream, right? Wrong!!! I believe the INTERNET is the next big thing to making money without leaving your house to say the least. I still haven't cracked that kettle of fish yet. I have good pc skills, i can type 60 W.P.M no sweat. Literally my English is bad because I married a wife from Vietnam so as they say, your language will suffer if you don't speak ...

Pursuit of Happiness

 What is the Pursuit of Happiness? We go about our daily life's thinking we are belonging to a collective, but in truth we are scurrying like animals trying to pay rent trying to stay alive and for what?? Our personal journeys set our mind at ease the internal struggle always over animates our desires to destroy our ambitions, the procrastination we suffer as a whole begins at an early age. Are we ever really happy with our lives, because find a struggle on a daily basis to find that happiness is just an illusion that I cannot find or a temporally void that benign my existence and therefore I have reason to believe that I am never going to find it Jefferson wrote the powers of be is the personification of man greatest achievement we are all searching for that special thing which we do not know what it is. Who are we to demoralise our moral fibre and as me and you we will find peace is at the state of mind not in state of affairs We often adopt the brutal mentality that man is evil ...