Pursuit of Happiness

 What is the Pursuit of Happiness?

We go about our daily life's thinking we are belonging to a collective, but in truth we are scurrying like animals trying to pay rent trying to stay alive and for what??

Our personal journeys set our mind at ease the internal struggle always over animates our desires to destroy our ambitions, the procrastination we suffer as a whole begins at an early age. Are we ever really happy with our lives, because find a struggle on a daily basis to find that happiness is just an illusion that I cannot find or a temporally void that benign my existence and therefore I have reason to believe that I am never going to find it

Jefferson wrote the powers of be is the personification of man greatest achievement

we are all searching for that special thing which we do not know what it is.

Who are we to demoralise our moral fibre and as me and you we will find peace is at the state of mind not in state of affairs

We often adopt the brutal mentality that man is evil and we shall never deserve to be love

finding and opting the resolution is first to accept we are human and death is imminent. 

A blanket is covered in our optical illusion to blind us from the real truth that man is here on this earth, to suffer and life is suffering stated in Buddhism lectures. we are suffering the Six noble truths\

to begin to understand suffering a whole. starvation, famine, murder, desire all for under the same umbrella of hardship, facing such harsh realities can often seem bleaker

Although we can find some comfort that we have moral support temporally even immortals have weaknesses they want mortality something they cannot have and mortals want immortality because the thought of forever is a feeling, we don't want to die, the fragility of man is simplify in the wheel of motion 

the karmic guide principles is do good and merit will come do bad and sins will pass on to the afterlife.

